Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fall Schedule

Theology for Breakfast will resume Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30 AM. We will be reading More Than Heaven by T. Jeff Taylor. Theology for Breakfast is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church.
9/17/24 Chapter 1 [not an easy chapter so hang in there!]
9/24/24 Chapter 2
10/1/24 Chapter 3
10/8/24 NO CLASS 
10/15/24 Chapters 4-5


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Present Millennialism


A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times is the latest in our reading lineup.

3.19.24 Chapter Sixteen


4.2.24 Chapter Seventeen

 4.9.24 Chapter Eighteen

Monday, November 20, 2023

Natural Law

 Here is the current schedule for reading Natural Law by David VanDrunen.

11-21 Chapter 2

11-28 Chapter 3

12-5 Chapter 4

12-12 Chapter 5

12-19 Chapter 6

NO CLASSES 12-26 or 1-2 for Christmas and New Years  

1-9 Begin A Case for Amillennialism by Riddlebarger (pp.1-24).

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Upcoming Reads

We are wrapping up Secular Faith and looking to some new topics. These include theonomy, natural law, and amillennialism. Here is the schedule:

10.31 - Wrap up Secular Faith by D.G. Hart

11.7 - Discuss "Book Review: Empires of Dirt, by Douglas Wilson" 

11.14 - Begin Natural Law by David VanDrunen.

Begin A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times by Kim Riddlebarger in the new year.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

A Secular Faith?!?!

Starting on Tuesday morning, September 12th, we will be discussing D. G. Hart's book A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State

Why this book? To introduce you to Hart who is speaking at the Pactum conference October 6-7 and in order to offer a counter argument to things like so called Christian Nationalism. 

A Secular Faith is available at the Omaha Bible Church bookstore at a discounted rate. 

Here is the initial schedule:

9.12 - Preface and Introduction

9.19 - Chapter 1

9.26 - Chapter 2

10.3 - Chapter 3

10.10 - Chapter 4

10.17 - Chapter 5                                                                       


Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Fall Kickoff!

Mark your calendars. Tuesday, September 12th will kick off our next Theology for Breakfast season. In the meantime, read Pat's Covenant Theology. See you in September!

Thursday, January 26, 2023


We are kicking off a new study of biblical typology! Why? Because it is biblical, Christian, sometimes overlooked, and to strengthen the church for the glory of Christ. Here is the book at initial schedule:

January 31: Chapters 1-2 
February 7: Chapters 3-6
February 14: Chapters 7-9
February 21: Chapters 10-12
February 28: Chapters 13-15
March 14: Chapters 19-22
March 21: Chapters 23-26
March 28: Chapters 27-30
April 4: NO CLASS
April 11: Chapters 31-33
April 18: Chapters 34-37
April 25: Chapters 38-40

The book is available at the OBC bookstore and online.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Status and Updates!

We continue to have fruitful discussions regarding God, His Church, and His World. And here is an update on where we are and what's on tap:

Monday, October 24, 2022

New Book Time!

Engaging N.T. Wright and John Piper on Justification is Oct. 25.

Then we are starting Strange New World by Carl Trueman. Anticipating a chapter per week starting with chapter one on November 1st. Hope to see you then!

Chapter 1 (Nov 1).

Chapter 2 (Nov 8).

Chapter 3 (Nov 15). NO RECORDING 😟.

Chapter 4 (Nov 29). 

Chapter 5 (December 6). 

*Click here for some recent video lectures from Carl on related issues.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

We are OFF and running!

Theology for Breakfast is off to another great start.

Show up and talk about what you've learned!

Here is the schedule:

9.20: Statement of the Doctrine (Fesko)

9.27: The Covenant of Works and Sinai

10.4: Justification and the Covenant of Works

10.11: Grace and Merit in the Covenant of Works

10.18: Excursus on Genesis 1:26

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Calling MEN!!!

Theology for Breakfast is kicking off on Tuesday, September 13th! Show up at Omaha Bible Church at 6:30 AM (!!!) and be ready to lean, own, and fight for Reformed Christian orthodoxy. Week two will have us discussing Fesko's Covenant of Works and from there it will be Trueman's Strange New World. 

Praying that you can make it!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Wrapping Up the Spring

We are wrapping up and preparing for Summer break. Here is the final schedule:

May 3: II.6 These Are Two Covenants
May 10: II.7 Adam, Israel, and Christ [LAST DAY!!!]

Theology for Breakfast resumes Tuesday, September 13th at 6:30 AM.

We will be finishing Adam and the Covenant of Works by John Fesko. No reading required for the first day back.

Our next book will likely be Strange New World by Carl R. Truman (subject to change).

Monday, March 21, 2022

Blocking and Tackling with J.V.

We are moving right along in our study of J.V. Fesko's book on the covenant of works and the discussions have been outstanding. In case you are just joining us or need to figure out where we are in the reading, here is an update:

3.22: Written on the Heart


4.5: In the Day that You Eat

4.12: Do This and Live

4.19: They Broke the Everlasting Covenant


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

No Class on January 11th

There will be no class on January 11th. We will cover chapter 14 of Gospel Mystery on the 18th and the final chapter on the 25th. Lord willing, we will start a new book on February 1. The book will be Adam and the Covenant of Works by John Fesko. It'll be great!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas Break...and Such

Theology for Breakfast will be breaking for two weeks during the Christmas season. There will be NO MEETINGS on December 21 and 28. Class will resume on Tuesday, January 4th. The reading for January 4 is chapter 13. If you need to catch up or catch on, check out episode 34 of the Pactum here or on your favorite podcast app. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Thanksgiving Break Etc

Hopefully you are enjoying sanctification via Walter Marshall and are ready for a week off. We are taking the week of Thanksgiving off so no meeting on Tuesday, November 23rd.

We will be discussing Direction 10 on Tuesday, November 30th. From that point we will cover one Direction per week unless one is either very long or very short. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Gospel Mystery of Sanctification

We are plugging right along in our study of The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall. The language is antiquated, but the chapters are short and the theology is outstanding. We are reading and discussing one chapter each week. November 2nd will have us covering chapter 6, the 9th will be chapter 7, etc. 

If you need to be brought up to speed, check out episode 34 of the Pactum entitled "Gospel Sanctification." Here's the link. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Cancelation Due to Illness

There will be no Theology for Breakfast class on Tuesday, September 21st. 

Sorry for the inconvenience. Pat is getting over Covid. 

Class will resume on Tuesday, September 28th when we will be discussing "Direction 1" of The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Marshall.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

It May Be for You

Theology for Breakfast will be restarting on Tuesday, September 14th at 6:30 AM at Omaha Bible Church. This is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church that offers theological engagement and the best free coffee in Omaha. Our text for the Fall will be The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall. Week one will cover the introduction of the book (only pages V-Viii). You can find the book at the OBC bookstore or online. We are using the newest edition with an introduction by Joel Beeke. Theology for Breakfast has a history for being a great place for robust theological instruction and dialogue. It isn't for everyone. But it may be for you! 

Monday, April 19, 2021


The VanDrunen has landed and we are moving on to other things. Here is an update to the schedule:

4/20 - Chapter 12 Politics After Christendom
5/4 - Kingdom Prologue by Kline (pp.332-355)*


*Actual book pages and not googledrive pages.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Politics After Christendom Schedule Update


Here is an update to our schedule as we roll through our discussion of the Noahic Covenant and God's dealings with the world.

3-9-21 Chapter 7


3-23-21 Chapter 8

3-30-21 Chapter 9

Monday, February 15, 2021

Cold Day Cancelation

Due to dangerous weather conditions and school closings, we will not be meeting on Tuesday, February 16th. Stay safe!

Upcoming schedule: 2.23 -- Chapter 5; 3.2 -- Chapter 6 

Monday, January 25, 2021

SNOW Day Cancelation

 There will be no class on Tuesday, January 26th. Chapter 3 for next week.

Monday, December 14, 2020


Politics After Christendom is our new book for theology for breakfast. Here is the upcoming schedule:


January 5th - Handout on Law and Gospel (see Pat for a copy)

January 12 - Chapter one of Politics After Christendom by David VanDrunen 

January 19 - Chapter two of Politics After Christendom

Tuesday, October 27, 2020



While Hermes would not approve of our Tuesday musings, we still like his name as we consider the science and art of interpretation

Here is an update on our reading schedule:

Tuesday, December 1: Chapter 15

Tuesday, December 8: Chapters 16-17

Tuesday, December 15: Chapters 18-19


Lots of reading, but needing to move on. At least read the intro and conclusions :). Class will be fun, I promise!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Fall 2020 Kickoff

Theology for Breakfast will kick off on Tuesday, September 15th at 6:30 AM. We will be discussing Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics by Graeme Goldsworthy. At this point the plan is to meet at the OBC facility in the fellowship area with social distancing and all that jazz. In addition, we will likely be offering a Zoom connection for those of you who will not be able to join us in person. Books will be available at the OBC bookstore. 

No reading is required for our initial meeting.

*Theology for Breakfast is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Machen's Warrior Children

One of the more important books of the last 100 or so years is Machen's Christianity and Liberalism. It is the next read for T4B and we will start discussing the Introduction on Tuesday, May 5th. The book is available from your favorite book seller or at no cost digitally here. As a preview we will be discussing a post by Carl Trueman where he offers reflection on Machen and the book. Read this article for Tuesday, April 28th.

And let's add this--a great little interview with a preeminent Machen scholar, D.G. Hart. Well worth the listen.

Update: The Spring schedule will wrap up as follows:
5.12 - Chapter 2
5.19 - Chapters 3-4
5.26 - Chapter 5
6.2 - Chapter 6
6.9 - Chapter 7

The Sunday School class lectures by D.G. Hart on Machen are excellent if you would like to learn more about him. Here is the link to one of them. From here you can find all of them, but I didn't see them on one page.


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Resuming and Zooming!

Flash Uses ZOOM
This OBC men's ministry will restart virtually on Tuesday, April 7th at 6:30 AM. We will be discussing chapter 11 of Theologians You Should Know via Zoom. If you are new to Theology for Breakfast, the format of the class is guided discussion by Pat Abendroth where we work through a series of questions that are relevant to the reading. Chapter 11 is on Schleiermacher who was no friend of the historic Christian gospel. 

In order to participate in the session, you must have an email invitation and password. Neither will be posted here to avoid Zoom bombing,  and yes it is a thing.

So go to Zoom.us and sign up for a free account. Download the free client for Windows or Mac. Set up your mic and camera in the settings and practice with your friends and family before Tuesday.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


All activities are cancelled this week at Omaha Bible Church. This means the chapter on Schleiermacher is on hold. Check back here regarding next week.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

February Check In

Theology for Breakfast makes winter in Nebraska just a little better. 

Here is where we are in our reading of Theologians You Should Know.
Feb. 18--Chapter 7 (Martin Luther)
Feb. 25--Chapter 8 (John Calvin)
Mar. 3--Chapter 9 (John Owen)
Mar. 10--Chapter 10 (Jonathan Edwards)
Mar. 17--Chapter 11 (Friedrich Schleiermacher)
Mar. 24--Chapter 12 (Karl Barth)
Mar. 31--Chapter 13 (J.I. Packer)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Schedule Update

November 26 -- NO CLASS
December 3 -- Chapter 11 of None Greater
December 10 -- Chapter 12 of None Greater
December 17 -- The Pattern of Sound Doctrine (Chapter 3)
December 24 -- NO CLASS
December 31 -- NO CLASS 
January 7 -- Chapter 1 of Theologians You Should Know

After January 7 we will read one chapter per week from Theologians You Should Know. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Where Are We?

Things are moving right along in our reading of None Greater by Matthew Barrett. Tuesday November 5th reading is chapter 8. One chapter per week afterward. We will be off December 24 and 31. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Bring Your Appetite

Theology for Breakfast is happening once again. We will be discussing chapter one of None Greater on Tuesday, September 17th at 6:30 AM.

Bonus: Listen to R.C. Sproul here as he stresses the need to recover classical theism.

*Theology for Breakfast is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church.

Friday, May 10, 2019

The End is Near

The two final meetings for Theology for Breakfast before Summer break are 4.14 and 4.21. The reading for 4.14 is my Kline and can be picked up in the book store. The reading for 4.21 will be handed out on the 14th.

In the Fall we will be reading None Greater by Matthew Barrett. Matthew will also be the speaker for our Fall Conference.

BREAKING FOR THE SUMMER. "Breakfasting" and "Theologying" will resume on Tuesday, September 10th.

*Theology for Breakfast is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Pressing on with Dennis

For April 2nd we will be discussing chapter 6 of Him We Proclaim. The coffee will be above average. This men's group likes coffee. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Hermeneutics Reading

We have jumped into reading Him We Proclaim by Dennis Johnson. For Tuesday, March 5th the reading to be discussed will be chapter two. Great to see a full room and to hear great observations and questions. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Delay of Game

Copies of Him We Proclaim were held up due to weather conditions so we are delaying our start until Tuesday, February 26th. Please come on the 26th ready to discuss the first 21 pages.

In the meantime, we will discuss two short articles on hermeneutics on the 19th. Copies of these articles are in the bookstore. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Him We Proclaim


It is time to crack open a new text in Theology for Breakfast and it is going to be Him We Proclaim by Dennis Johnson. The book is technically a preaching book, but we will be using it for broader purposes. Some of you preach, but all of you listen and read the Bible and this book will help us to do such things better. Him We Proclaim promotes and defends a Christ Centered approach to the Bible as itself biblical and should prove to be a lasting blessing in our lives. Books should arrive at the church by Tuesday February 12 at the latest. Plan to discuss chapter one of Him We Proclaim on Tuesday, February 19th. 

*Our reading for the 12th is a handout from Turretin and is available in the bookstore.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

No Theology for Breakfast Due to Weather Conditions

We are NOT meeting on Tuesday, January 22nd due to inclement weather. We cancel when the schools cancel. Hope to see you next week.

Monday, November 12, 2018


We will NOT be meeting the week of Thanksgiving (Tuesday, Nov 20th).

For Tuesday, November 27th we will discuss Mike Horton's article on Two Kingdom theology. It can be found here.

Our next book study will be Living in God's Two Kingdoms by Dave VanDrunen and that will start on Tuesday, December 4th.

No class on December 25 or January 1 because we are not that weird. Come on people!

*Reading update: We are covering chapter 3 on December 18th. Then we are off for two weeks.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The "World's" Religions

We will be spending two weeks critically discussing Islam and the Quran. On Tuesday, November 6th we will cover the article on Islam included in the back of the ESV Study Bible. It is a brief introduction from a Christian perspective. Reach out if you need it.

On Tuesday, November 13th we will talk about portions of the actual Quran and compare it with the teachings of the Bible.

Why do this? So that we can better understand and more faithfully articulate the gospel to everyone.

Our next book will be Living in God's Two Kingdoms by David VanDrunen.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Millennialism Continues

The reading for Tuesday Oct. 23 will be pp.192-227 on premillennialism. You are also encouraged to be creating a "top ten" list of arguments supporting the different positions. In other words, what are the best arguments. If you are struggling with the chapter, I suggest skipping ahead to Strimple's critique and then going back to the actual chapter. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Millennial Update

We are cruising right along in our study of the three views of the millennium. We have covered postmillennialism and amillennialism (think present millennium with Christ reigning from heaven). Now it is time to cover premillennialism. For Tuesday, Oct. 16th the reading will be pp.157-192. Please come ready to discuss the material and with your "top ten" list started.

For an amillennial treatment of Revelation 20, check out this audio link from Kim Riddlebarger.

And if you need a little amil rap, you may enjoy this (thanks TJ!)

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Class on Millennials

I terrible mistake has been made. We announced our class on millennialism and countless millennials showed up for a class on themselves. So let it be known that our class is on millennialism and we will be discussing pages 1-40 on Tuesday, September 18th and pages 41-80 on the 25th. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Fall Kick Off

We are kicking off the new year on Tuesday, September 11th. There will be no specific reading to be covered on the 11th.

The text to be used is Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond.

Lots to learn. Lots of fun to be had at 6:30 AM!!!

What's with the picture anyway?

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Closed for the Summer

We will resume meeting on Tuesday, September 11th 2018. Our text for the Fall will be Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond edited by Gundry and Bock. Enjoy your summer!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


The Goldsworthy lecture we viewed on Tuesday, May 1 is here in full. It is thought provoking and helps to explain the legitimacy and importance of seeing Christ the center. For next week we are reading a short excerpt from Mike Horton on Interpreting Scripture by Scripture. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

On Tap for Spring

We are enjoying miscellaneous chapters and articles this Spring. The articles are typically handed out in class and made available in the church bookstore. Here are a few of the dates and articles:

April 3&10--Horton critiquing Wright and Piper
April 17--Christ the Lord chapter
April 24--Justification and Final Judgment by Fesko

Monday, March 5, 2018

Deeds Keeping with Repentance

Theology for Breakfast resumes on Tuesday, March 6th and your repentant leader even plans to be there! We will be discussing prayer from the Institutes (pp.203ff). Once again, I apologize for the confusion last week. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

My Bad

There will be no theology for breakfast on Tuesday, February 27th. I apologize for this as I failed to make arrangements and will not be able to make it. I suspect that some of you will show up anyway given this late notice. Please enjoy some conversation. I owe you breakfast.

Monday, January 15, 2018

School is Out

As per our policy, we will not have theology for breakfast Tuesday, January 16th given that school has been canceled. Sad news, I know, but we follow the law. If you have no idea what such a comment means, you did not read the chapter. Lord willing, see you on Tuesday January 23rd.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Pledging Allegiance to Geneva...Sorta

We are starting a new book and it is John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion. Because life is short and our attention spans are even shorter, we are reading a highly edited version of the work. The text is available in the OBC bookstore. Discussing Book 1 on Tuesday, December 5th.

Dec. 12 reading is pp.39-65. Printed schedules available in class or at the bookstore.

*Note also that we will NOT be meeting on December 26th and January 2nd. This may be proof that we are not exactly Calvinists!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Moralists Will Be Back!

"The moralists will be back. They will be back because they never really go away. They go dormant for a while. For this reason, let us never say, “We all know what the gospel is, now let us go on to the Christian life.” The minute we say that we’ve lost the foundation of the house and the power of the Christian life. It’s like saying, “We all know how to breathe, so let’s forget about breathing and get to exercising.” People who say that have never exercised! If you want to live a Christian life, start with the declaration of the good news. How do we confront sin in our lives? We reckon with the law. How is sin defeated? By the gospel and only by the gospel. The law has no power to defeat sin. The law only has power to convict and guide. The law is like railroad tracks. To go off the tracks is destruction but the tracks do not move the train. Only God the Spirit empowers the Christian to live Christianly and he does so only through the frequent and faithful declaration of the good news to sinners." Excerpt from R. Scott Clark. Full article is found here

Relevant insights complementing our reading. Chapter 3 of The Whole Christ is our chapter for Tuesday, October 3rd. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


We are off and rolling with week one in the books. With introductions out of the way, we will discuss chapter 1 of The Whole Christ on Tuesday, September 19th. Hope to see you there. As I mentioned in class, try listening to some of our author's sermons or lectures as you may find reading his writing easier. I find that I hear his voice as I read. 

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Marrow Launch

Tuesday, September 12th is our first Theology for Breakfast meeting for the new season. Our text is The Whole Christ by Sinclair Ferguson. On this first meeting we will discuss the Forward, Introduction, and other relevant matters to our year together. We will meet from 6:30-7:30 and it will be great. It always is!

*Theology for Breakfast is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church that welcomes men from OBC and without. See you Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The End is Near

Theology for Breakfast will be wrapping up soon as we take summers off. Here is the planned schedule for the final weeks of reading Confessing the Faith:

4.25 - chapter 27
5.2 - chapter 28
5.9 - chapter 29
5.16 - chapter 30
5.23 - chapter 31

9.12 Theology for Breakfast Resumes. Text will be The Whole Christ by Sinclair Ferguson.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Law of God

As we prepare to discuss the Law of God, an insightful statement by a favorite Baptist is in order:

"The Doctrine of the Divine Covenant lies at the root of all true theology. It has been said that he who well understands the distinction between the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace is a master of divinity. I am persuaded that most of the mistakes which men make concerning the Doctrines of Scripture are based upon fundamental errors with regard to the Covenants of Law and of Grace" C.H. Spurgeon. 

Please read chapter 19 of Confessing the Faith for Tuesday, February 28 in preparation for some excellent discussion.

* If you are wondering about what we are reading on later dates, we cover a chapter a week.