We are starting Taught of God by Brandon Smith on Tuesday, January 28th. Be prepared to discuss the introduction and chapter one.
*NO CLASS on January 21, 2025.
1/28 - Introduction and Chapter 1
2/4 - Chapter 2
2/11 - Chapter 3
2/18 - Chapter 4
The place to find out what's going on at Omaha Bible Church's Theology for Breakfast Tuesday 6:30 AM Edition
January 7: Chapters 1-3
January 14: Chapters 4-5
For Tuesday, December 10th.
Come to class ready to share observations and conclusions from Matthew 7:21-23.
Matthew 7:21–23 (ESV) 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Consider questions such as, but not limited to the following:
Who is Jesus addressing? What is the problem? How can one escape hearing the dreadful words “I never knew you; depart from me”? Is there anything in the greater context of the Sermon on the Mount that sheds light on these verses? Is there anything about Matthew’s entire account that sheds light on these verses?
A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times is the latest in our reading lineup.
3.19.24 Chapter Sixteen
4.2.24 Chapter Seventeen
4.9.24 Chapter Eighteen
Here is the current schedule for reading Natural Law by David VanDrunen.
11-21 Chapter 2
11-28 Chapter 3
12-5 Chapter 4
12-12 Chapter 5
12-19 Chapter 6
NO CLASSES 12-26 or 1-2 for Christmas and New Years
1-9 Begin A Case for Amillennialism by Riddlebarger (pp.1-24).
10.31 - Wrap up Secular Faith by D.G. Hart
11.7 - Discuss "Book Review: Empires of Dirt, by Douglas Wilson"
11.14 - Begin Natural Law by David VanDrunen.
Begin A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times by Kim Riddlebarger in the new year.
Why this book? To introduce you to Hart who is speaking at the Pactum conference October 6-7 and in order to offer a counter argument to things like so called Christian Nationalism.
A Secular Faith is available at the Omaha Bible Church bookstore at a discounted rate.
Here is the initial schedule:
9.12 - Preface and Introduction
9.19 - Chapter 1
9.26 - Chapter 2
10.3 - Chapter 3
10.10 - Chapter 4
10.17 - Chapter 5
We are kicking off a new study of biblical typology! Why? Because it is biblical, Christian, sometimes overlooked, and to strengthen the church for the glory of Christ. Here is the book at initial schedule:
January 31: Chapters 1-2Engaging N.T. Wright and John Piper on Justification is Oct. 25.
Then we are starting Strange New World by Carl Trueman. Anticipating a chapter per week starting with chapter one on November 1st. Hope to see you then!
Chapter 3 (Nov 15). NO RECORDING 😟.
*Click here for some recent video lectures from Carl on related issues.
Theology for Breakfast is off to another great start.
Show up and talk about what you've learned!Here is the schedule:
9.20: Statement of the Doctrine (Fesko)
9.27: The Covenant of Works and Sinai
10.4: Justification and the Covenant of Works
10.11: Grace and Merit in the Covenant of Works
10.18: Excursus on Genesis 1:26
Theology for Breakfast is kicking off on Tuesday, September 13th! Show up at Omaha Bible Church at 6:30 AM (!!!) and be ready to lean, own, and fight for Reformed Christian orthodoxy. Week two will have us discussing Fesko's Covenant of Works and from there it will be Trueman's Strange New World.
Praying that you can make it!
3.22: Written on the Heart
4.5: In the Day that You Eat
4.12: Do This and Live
4.19: They Broke the Everlasting Covenant
We will be discussing Direction 10 on Tuesday, November 30th. From that point we will cover one Direction per week unless one is either very long or very short.
If you need to be brought up to speed, check out episode 34 of the Pactum entitled "Gospel Sanctification." Here's the link.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Pat is getting over Covid.
Class will resume on Tuesday, September 28th when we will be discussing "Direction 1" of The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Marshall.
Theology for Breakfast will be restarting on Tuesday, September 14th at 6:30 AM at Omaha Bible Church. This is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church that offers theological engagement and the best free coffee in Omaha. Our text for the Fall will be The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification by Walter Marshall. Week one will cover the introduction of the book (only pages V-Viii). You can find the book at the OBC bookstore or online. We are using the newest edition with an introduction by Joel Beeke. Theology for Breakfast has a history for being a great place for robust theological instruction and dialogue. It isn't for everyone. But it may be for you!
Here is an update to our schedule as we roll through our discussion of the Noahic Covenant and God's dealings with the world.
3-9-21 Chapter 7
3-23-21 Chapter 8
3-30-21 Chapter 9
Upcoming schedule: 2.23 -- Chapter 5; 3.2 -- Chapter 6
January 5th - Handout on Law and Gospel (see Pat for a copy)
January 12 - Chapter one of Politics After Christendom by David VanDrunen
January 19 - Chapter two of Politics After Christendom
While Hermes would not approve of our Tuesday musings, we still like his name as we consider the science and art of interpretation.
Here is an update on our reading schedule:
Tuesday, December 1: Chapter 15
Tuesday, December 8: Chapters 16-17
Tuesday, December 15: Chapters 18-19
Lots of reading, but needing to move on. At least read the intro and conclusions :). Class will be fun, I promise!
No reading is required for our initial meeting.
*Theology for Breakfast is a men's ministry of Omaha Bible Church.
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